Our senior advisors have been responsible for recruiting over hundreds of individuals in their careers, either independently or in collaboration with well-known headhunter companies. This means they have an eye for both the right recruitment and the right process, screening, and selection. We have the experience and method to assist you in recruiting at different levels.
- Screening and Second Opinion
If you are responsible for recruitment yourself or have a recruitment agency for it but want an external perspective on candidates, we can provide it. We know the communication industry and all its disciplines. We can check the market, talk to contacts, review applications, conduct case-solving and review CVs, and conduct an additional interview. - Candidate Selection
If you want us to provide a field of typically two to four competent candidates for a position, we can assist with that. We can advise on the formulation of job profiles and job postings, how to use LinkedIn effectively for recruitment, contact potential candidates in a targeted search process, screen and conduct interviews until you have an attractive field that you and your organization can meet with to make the final decision on who to hire. - Full Recruitment
If you wish, we can take on the entire process in a recruitment process. In collaboration with you and your organization, we can prepare a job profile and job posting. We can conduct a targeted search process, test candidates’ professionalism with cases and personality, cognitive competencies, and personal values and attitudes with certified tools and recruitment consultants. We can conduct interviews using a testing method that focuses on identifying values and attitudes towards the job, as well as the ability to deliver defined results and participate in a specific team with a defined responsibility as a leader or specialist. We will hold final interviews together, where you will receive a full report on the leading candidates for the job we have identified. Based on this, you and your organization can make the final decision on whom to hire.
A typical recruitment specialist will have good skills but lack insight into specific industries and competencies. We have that insight and a well-tested method.
We know that good recruitment relies on a range of methodological and procedural tools that identify the right candidate pool by conducting the right screening and taking the right interview techniques, formulating and evaluating posed cases, and utilizing tested and certified cognitive and personality tests.
We know that a lot is at stake when finding the right new employee/leader. Therefore, we always bring an experienced team. The team consists of experienced senior staff and a project manager, as well as our affiliated expert in testing cognitive abilities and personality.