BL – Denmark's Public Housing

Based on an analysis, the organisation’s new digital media strategy was developed and a number of new channels were named.

In short


Danmarks Almene Boliger (BL) is an interest organisation for more than 500 housing associations and 1 million Danes in public housing. Based on an analysis carried out by Substantia, the organisation’s new digital media strategy and the names of a number of new channels were determined. A good name should not just sound good; it must reflect the organisation’s goals and identity, and it must send a clear signal to residents, stakeholders and the wider community. There are strategic, linguistic, value and practical considerations in all naming processes.


The linguistic premises include considerations about which emotional, cultural and value connotations are associated with the name. The process ensured the involvement of employees, business committees, the 11 districts and their chairpersons and deputy chairpersons as well as the board both in terms of buy-in and qualification. The development was based on workshops, working meetings and the preparation of analyses.


The overall outcome of the project was partly a background analysis of the existing name and its associations as well as recommendations for a new name. And partly the facilitation of the process and the final decision by the board. The result was an analysis of BL’s digital media strategy and the names of a number of new channels.


Danmarks Almene Boliger is an interest and industry organisation for the public housing organisations and the one million people who live in public homes. Together, the organisation works for the interests of the members and residents by seeking to influence the development of the public housing sector both economically, technologically and socially.

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