Port of Grenaa

The Port of Grenaa has adopted a strategy that will position the port as a Port of Partnerships for a Green World 2025. With a PA initiative, the port takes a leading position in the debate on moving heavy transport from land to water and creating advantages for the environment and climate.

In short


The Port of Grenaa has adopted a strategy that will position the port as a Port of Partnerships for a Green World 2025. Through the project, the Port of Grenaa ensured that a new offshore wind farm was located in the Kattegat near Hesselø. In this way, a large number of jobs were secured at the port and in Norddjurs Municipality. Furthermore, the project resulted in a strengthened relationship with the key stakeholders of the Port of Grenaa – both locally and nationally and especially at Christiansborg.


The solution consisted of a PA initiative, where the port takes a leading position in the debate on moving heavy transport from land to water and thus create advantages for accessibility, the environment and the climate, as well as the activities of the Port of Grenaa and its position.


A three-track PA initiative; (1) platform development, (2) planning and alliances, and (3) supporting PR execution.


The Port of Grenaa is one of Denmark’s largest commercial and industrial ports. The port has a strong focus on the core segments and effective network connections. In the spring of 2020, the Port of Grenaa kick-started the development of the Sydhavn area in earnest. The old fishing port is being transformed into a new maritime district for business, culture and experiences. An attractive area with soul and charm.

Link to website: www.grenaahavn.dk


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Reach out to Frank if you are interested in hearing more about the project and how we can help you.
