Rebild Municipality

With a joint vision process, the town council decided in which direction Rebild Municipality should develop towards 2030.

In short


Rebild Municipality in North Jutland is one of Denmark’s growth municipalities. The population has grown continuously since 2014, satisfaction is high in the annual citizen surveys and in the Confederation of Danish Industry’s annual business survey, the municipality is the best municipality for business in North Jutland. So in the years to come, how does the town council and the administration ensure not just growth – but sustainable, intelligent and inclusive growth?


The solution consisted of a joint visioning process with a series of analyses, scenarios and workshops in the town council.


The result was the vision ‘An Active Life – Together’. The vision brings together the city council’s thoughts and ideas about the direction in which Rebild Municipality should develop towards 2030.


Rebild Municipality is a municipality with areas of natural beauty in North Denmark Region. With just over 30,000 inhabitants, Rebild Municipality is one of the smaller municipalities in Denmark. The municipality is located in the heart of Himmerland in the middle of exceptionally beautiful nature and close to the new regional centre in Aalborg. The motorway and train networks with the local line and high-speed trains provide good connections to both the regional centre and the remainder of Denmark.

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