UCL - University College Lillebælt

With a shared marketing platform, communication can now be organised so that the result is interest and engagement, which leads to collaboration and partnerships.

In short


UCL is an educational institution that also offers service and consultancy activities, courses and continuing and further education programmes. UCL Business Academy and University College’s department for continuing and further education, KomO, is the result of a merger between two educational institutions with a focus on lifelong learning. KomO wanted a shared marketing platform that can act as a starting point for a future strategy to strengthen the role of continuing and further education in society, as well as an internal anchor that strengthens the organisation’s sales, marketing and PR.


The solution consisted of a shared marketing platform where KomO’s main initiatives are identified and qualified. The process was carried out via workshops and meetings with UCL, and the selected strategic focus points that are understood as the initiatives that are agreed on, which the basic narrative and the communication and marketing initiatives must support. The marketing platform must work in the various arenas in which UCL and KomO communicate. Consistent for all three arenas is the involving initiative. Communication must be organised so that there is interest and engagement that leads to collaboration, partnerships and tasks and thus value for both KomO and society.


The marketing platform rests on a number of positions of strength, which were defined jointly by managers in KomO and the communications department. The positions of strength function as the conclusion of the analysis and the basis on which the basic narrative and marketing strategy are based. The basic narrative communicates a common identity which contains and balances KomO’s many different activities for both public and private customers, organisations and individuals.


UCL is a higher education institution which is based on a close connection to professions and the practice for which the institution educates. It is of crucial importance for the quality of the courses and programmes they offer that UCL relies on practice-based research and up-to-date knowledge of the many different professions and occupations. Knowledge that matches the technological development professionally in private businesses and a number of welfare professions.

Link to website: www.ucl.dk


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Reach out to Marcus if you are interested in hearing more about the project and how we can help you.
