
Crisis Communication

Good crisis management is about addressing the underlying issues driving the crisis and managing the consequences it has for leadership, organization, and business. Communication is an effective and indispensable tool in crisis management, and often the communication handling itself plays an independent role. With the right crisis management, companies can avoid lasting damage to their business and reputation, and the crisis can be an opportunity for learning and development if the leadership navigates it correctly and demonstrates learning and development in relation to the outside world and the crisis’s underlying driver.

Good crisis communication is a strategic effort

Good crisis communication is about addressing the underlying causes of crises and the relationships that suffer damage in relation to management, business, and organization. It’s about focusing on the causes of the crisis and being able to analyze and implement the changes that are often necessary in the concrete handling of the crisis. And it’s about the ability to navigate professionally, effectively, and honestly in relation to all of the crisis stakeholders – employees, customers, and the media.

Crisis communication is therefore primarily crisis management and crisis leadership. It is a strategic effort – and not a communication tool that is brought out from the toolbox when a crisis hits the company, organization, or individual.

Krisekommunikation og krisehåndtering Schultz J Goll

Crisis communication before, during, and after the crisis

There are efforts before, during, and after the crisis. For us, the overall effort is about preparing the company as best as possible for potential crisis scenarios – before the crisis hits. There is no time to plan when a media crisis erupts. The time must be used to handle the situation, and that requires preparation, organization, and training. We uncover strengths and weaknesses in handling, and we organize a crisis management group. We develop crisis strategies and preparedness plans that are implemented, maintained, and trained.

During a crisis: We hold the customer’s hand all the way. We customize the crisis preparedness plan and help activate it. We monitor editorial and social media and respond based on insight. We develop communication for all stakeholders. We media train the spokespersons. And we engage with the media when it is the right tactic.

After a crisis: We continue to monitor editorial and social media and continue to respond based on insight. After a thorough evaluation, we develop and execute a PR plan as part of the recovery effort.