We draw on specialized skills in politics, media and management. And we implement them with sharp thinking, collaboration and a sense of processes.
Good crisis communication is about understanding the actual problem behind the crisis. It sounds obvious, but most companies get it wrong because they focus too much on treating the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying problem that drives the crisis. At the same time, traditional and social media, stakeholders, regulators, and politicians need to be managed with a clear strategy, proven tools and methodologies, and great professionalism. We advise large and medium-sized companies on managing trust crises, conflicts, accidents, IT outages, and much more. We provide advice throughout the entire process.
The same applies to all professional specialists in critical or demanding functions – top athletes, skilled speakers, and professional leaders – they train before delivering their actual performance. It is necessary, both for personal impact and for actual results. Therefore, it is also advantageous for top executives to continuously train their messages and their delivery.
Substantia develops strategies using communication tools that focus on solving specific challenges and promoting business objectives. We integrate goals and strategies for business, stakeholders, organization, and positioning. The strategies can have different names and can be cross-cutting – in the form of business development and strategies, basic narrative, communication strategy. And there may be specialized strategies in Public Affairs, development of communication efforts in different geographies and across business units etc. The overarching focus for us is that the strategies must be executable, measurable, and make sense in the day-to-day work.
The political decision-making processes are changing both internationally, nationally, and in municipalities. There are new demands from politicians – and new opportunities for both companies and NGOs to create and shape future legislation. Substantia contributes to policy development and new solutions through innovation and partnerships. We call the long-term perspective Agenda Setting. We are not afraid to call the short-term perspective lobbying.
All businesses and organizations possess knowledge. Knowledge in the form of news, insights, opinions, trends, figures, facts about the business and its results, people, know-how. Knowledge that in most cases deserves to be shared. Internally and externally – through the right channels. Substantia helps to find the relevant stories.
The company’s basic narrative: Its values, strategy, and identity, should permeate all communication activities, both in daily management, oral and written communication, and PR activities. It is not necessarily a matter of more communication, but rather more precise communication through networking, personal contacts, and the press.
The right communication is crucial in relation to acquisitions, divestments, and initial public offerings (IPOs). Clear communication of strategy, the proper narratives about leadership, positioning of the company and its business areas, as well as risk mitigation, directly influence valuation and value creation. Substantia advises on financial communication and Investor Relations, and we establish a PR roadmap for transactions, IPOs, and capital-raising initiatives.
What perception do target audiences and stakeholders – customers, citizens, users, politicians, and decision-makers – have of the company? And how does the company’s reputation and position develop year after year? The purpose of reputation analyses, stakeholder analyses, and awareness analyses is to investigate the relationship between the company’s desired profile and the perception among target audiences and stakeholders.
Substantia conducts reputation analyses, stakeholder analyses, and awareness analyses. We specialize in analyses based on exploratory, in-depth interviews – and we collaborate with recognized research institutions for quantitative data collection.
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